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According to our survey, more than 90% tender bidders are keep on participating each tenders & complaining about not getting awarded, they are finding their quotation (Bid) failing apart due to various reasons, such like (Higher price, wrong BOQ validation, misquoting technical bid). Here we are with the solution about most talking & facing problem in terms of Tender industry. We will ensure you Tender awarding information in each of the tender in which vendor has participated themselves, hence, vendor can analysis their quotation to the L1, Bidders can see where & why their quotation has failed apart so they can prepare themselves better for the next time, as we will update complete information about awarded tender ( Technical Bid, Price Bid along with L1 & L2, along with BOQ & awarded contract info) Online Tender Result Tender award by mail One of the highest sourced organisation for tender award Technical Bid, Price Bid along with L1 & L2, along with BOQ & awarded contract info Assistant while analysis.

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